Many people have various formulas for success in business and life. One lesson that I have learned (sometimes painfully) is “Show me your friends, I will show you your future.” The idea of this is not new. The notion of being guilty or successful by association has been around for centuries.
Over the years, this has led me to ask a question if my own friendships were propelling me forward and enhancing my life. Fortunately, I am now surrounded by a circle of friends and associates that challenge me. Sadly, this was not always true and it is not everyone’s situation. While some have a great support system, many do not. For whatever reason, there are people that do not want to see others succeed or accomplish their dreams. Many people have surrounded themselves with these people.
Most of us spend too much time holding on to bad or damaged relationships. If you are loyal to people who are not loyal to you, you must move on. If every time you share your dream and they kill it, you must move on.
I am not trying to influence you to end all your friendships. However, you should be asking yourself what your future will look like based on those you call friends. I (of all people) know that you can’t change your friends, but you can CHANGE your friends.