- Teaching gives me hope for the future. I am fortunate to work with some amazing students. Their dedication to academic excellence and the pursuit of truth often humbles me.
- I love the “aha” moment. When a student or class has been struggling with an idea and finally grasps it, the satisfaction and excitement is almost palpable. It is addicting.
- Teaching (like leading) isn’t just about the classroom or the lecturing; it is about being a model for your student. Modeling is another type of teaching that we do with students. Modeling is often times more effective than the lecture.
- Freshmen seem like they are getting younger and younger, and, no, it is not because I am getting older.
- It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.” Really.
- Don’t start a question with, “This is probably stupid.” or any similar self-deprecating statement. The only thing stupid is that phrase.
"Good coaching is about leadership and instilling respect in your players. Dictators lead through fear - good coaches do not." -John Wooden
Monday, May 09, 2011
What I have learned from being a college professor
As the spring semester draws to a close, I realize I have learned a great deal as a professor, especially from my daily experiences with students. It is from these experiences that I made this list of things I have learned from being a college professor: