People problems are inevitable on teams. One person, consistently acting inappropriately can destroy the fabric of a team. They can reduce productivity, destroy morale, and sabotage the working relationship between the leader and the team.
What is a leader to do when confronted with this situation?
1. Don’t get so wrapped up in the problem that your relationship with other team members suffers. Continue to relate to everyone. They need to continue to see you and to have open communication with you. They also need confidence that you are actively working to enforce standards.
2. Second, work one-on-one directly with the problem and the person. Nothing in the world is more demoralizing for a team than to have a leader send a blanket email stating the policy and trying to solve a problem involving only one person. Usually the person with the problem doesn't know it's meant for them (so they ignore it) and everyone else is insulted that the leader isn't dealing directly and personally with the issue. Hiding behind blanket emails sent to everyone about every transgression is a sign of weakness and insecurity. It sends a message to the team that you are unwilling to engage and you don't understand the dynamics of the team.
This is a time for the leader to be involved and engaged. Get to the bottom of the issue. There are established standards being violated. Leaders also need compassion. It is important to assume "noble intent" on the first meeting. Some people just don't see how what they are doing is divisive or contrary to the team.
Dealing directly with people shows the team that you are engaged and willing to take care of the "tough stuff" personally. It demonstrates that you have a good knowledge of the team dynamics and reinforces to the team that you care about each of them and understand their contributions.
Leaders must act when confronted with people problems. And they must act personally and directly to resolve the problem.