What do college football coaches spend up to 70% of their time doing?
Watching game film?
Coaching players?
Preparing game plans?
No. College football coaches spend up to 70% of their time recruiting talent to play on their team.
Does that surprise you? If you hire like most companies do, then it probably did. Most companies hire the wrong way. They hire quickly and hold on to poor performers too long.
The best thing a great leader can do is always be recruiting and have a constant flow of talent to evaluate and hire. Your goal should be to hire slowly – after a structured and careful assessment and evaluation process – and then don’t hesitate to let people go who have not shown performance.
The key here is that if you have a steady flow of talent and candidates to choose from, then you’ll be much less likely to make quick and ill-advised hiring decisions. Plus, you’ll be less likely to hold on to poor performers who are likely to never make it in your environment.