Tuesday, June 03, 2014

So You Want To Be a Leader?

Ah, leadership… The thought of being a leader causes some people to conjure up images of the perks, the expense accounts, the company car, the company credit cards, and the fabulous salary.

However, leadership isn’t about easy days in the office and events at night. It’s about worrying about the team. It’s about finding out that someone just caused the company property and casualty insurance to increase by 46 percent. It’s about trying to accomplish work through others but finding that you have to satisfy the demands of customers, vendors, other departments, governments, and shareholders at every level.

Leadership is NOT easy. So here is an open letter from a TRUE leader to team members:

I’m positioned to be your biggest cheerleader. If you perform well and help make us successful, I’m more than willing to promote you and to recommend you for promotion. 

Don’t let us or yourself down. Bring your ideas to me. I truly want to hear them. But please understand that many times my hands are tied by silly bureaucracies over which I have no control. 

If you don’t see your idea implemented, it isn’t because you were shot down. I may be considering the long term ramifications of how it will affect our team and the organization. 

Occasionally, we will have differences of opinion. But in the end I have to make the decision and I need your support. And we must own the outcome together. 

I know there’s a grapevine and I know it’s impossible to squash it (smart leaders don’t even try). If there’s something troubling you or if there’s some crazy rumor, ask me about it.
As far as I’m able, I will tell you everything I know, but there are some areas where I’m required to maintain confidentiality. 

I don’t believe it’s my job to motivate you. You should motivate yourself. My job is to provide you the resources to do good work, set goals, establish expectations, and follow up. I will make mistakes. 

I will screw up. Please give me the same understanding that you’d like me to give you when you blunder. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. 

If something is going wrong, or about to go wrong, tell me as soon as possible. Don’t wait around hoping it will get better. 

Always tell me the truth. I can handle the truth and deal with whatever happens. I cannot handle being lied to. Don’t force me to make a decision about a situation based on a lie, a half-truth, an exaggeration, or based on a situation where some little bit of information was conveniently left out. 

If you see me about to make a blunder. Tell me. Quickly. Don’t wait around and don’t beat around the bush. 

Part of my job is to set the targets, supervise what is being done, obtain the required resources, and deliver the results called for by the next level of bosses above me. All of that is political and I don’t like it either, but I have to play the game to get anything accomplished. Sometimes, even the targets that are set for me get moved around. 

Please respect my time by not coming at 5:30 PM with a critical issue we could have discussed at any time during that day. Emergencies happen but when they happen every day it’s not an emergency, it’s a way of doing business. I may need time to consult with others about this critical issue and raising it late in the day causes stress on both you and me. 

Don’t always be concerned about CYA. It’s a disgusting way to live and your co-workers will not like you. I would prefer that, yes, DO cover your bases, but please don’t try to spin everything in your favor. 

So, still want to be a leader? Being a leader can be a scary proposition at times. It can be a frightening proposition to realize that your career is in someone else’s hands, namely your subordinates. That’s why the best leaders hire the best people, reward them well, and have a plan to retain them as long as possible.